Encuentro de los mares



Pedro Bastos

Head of Nutrifesco

Pedro Bastos holds a degree in Biochemistry from the Science and Technology Faculty at the University of Algarve (Portugal) and he runs Nutrifresco, a business specialising in the supply of fish produce for restaurants and hotels in Portugal and beyond.

Bastos has also invested in innovation, through cooperation with research and development projects related to aspects of lifespans, processing, quality and foodstuff quality in fish.

Over the last 20 years he has carried out important work in association with a number of chefs, earning him the 2017 best supplier prize, and the 2018 prize for best artisan producer.

He has been active in the defence and promotion of fishing sustainability, and accumulating knowledge of marine resources and publicising them, he has been involved in a number of conferences and the organisation of educational events, and has also assisted with several publications.

Pedro Bastos