Canning as a way of boosting the consumption of fish and sea food

Canadian Charlotte Langley introduces Meeting of the Seas to the canning variant, a market which boosts the consumption of fish and sea food, and may be decisive in terms of reducing food waste.
On the last day of Meeting of the Seas, chef and businesswoman Charlotte Langley shared her experience with the popularisation of consumption of fish and sea food through the preserved foodstuffs and cans produced by her own company in Canada, Scout. A chef for over 20 years and a sea produce enthusiast, Langley pondered the issue of how to popularise the consumption of fish and sea food, and also how to do this sustainably. She found the answer in preserves and founded Scout, the leading sustainable sea food canning business in Canada and the US. "Cans are a fantastic way of making a product with a high nutritional value available to the general public", said Charlotte Langley, adding that this activity also entails "dynamising communities which often have an ultra-seasonal economic, such as Prince Edward Island and its lobster".
Scout arose from three clear objectives: “to boost the consumption of fish and sea food, the desire to make a contribution to local communities, and to reduce food waste by means of an environmentally sustainable process". To do this, Charlotte Langley feels it is necessary to "bring new species into canning, and in the United States and Canada this is practically just tuna with mayonnaise". The Canadian did this with mussels, clams, trout and lobster ... and it proved a success.
Part of the success was also due to the project's philosophy of environmental protection, because "if we take care of the environment, we take care of everything, we upgrade the product, and we take care of our communities".
Charlotte Langley rounded off her presentation with a rapid recipe based on her products, demonstrating that "cookery is for everyone, and we should all be able to enjoy good produce without having to elaborate on them so much", an option furnished by canned fish, which is also a produce with a high nutritional value.